Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Friday night I went out with some friends to celebrate Kelli's birthday. After P.F. Changs and Cheesecake factory, and most of the girls gone, there were a few of us left with nothing to do. So what else do married women with kids sleeping snuggly in their beds do on a friday night? Go T.Ping the ones we love! We got our volleyball coches house and the primary presidents house! We were laughing histerically in front of both houses, flashing pictures. If someone had gone by, but why would they at 2am, they would have called the cops!


  1. Now that is way hilarious!!! LOL! Wish I could have joined you all!! HAHAHAHAHA!!

  2. Jessica you are toooo funny! I haven't TPed in years! Looks like you're having a blast.

    Now is that any way for the wife of a Bishopric member to behave??? ha ha just kiddin

  3. hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....

  4. That is too funny Jessie!You make me laugh :)
